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Daily Archives: 2015-03-24


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Gale/Oxford Reference Collection Indexing Updates in the PCI

From Ex Libris:

We are planning to index Oxford Reference Online during the coming months and it is now under our analysis. Regarding Gale Virtual Reference library (GVRL), the reason we indexed MARC records for GVRL instead of more granular level records is because the schema Gale had provided us for GVRL was not compatible with Primo Central (PCI). We’ve tried over the years to get Gale to provide us with another, more compatible, schema but were unsuccessful. We are now trying this again and if successful, we will update the collection and announce it to our Primo customers.

The GVRL/Oxford indexing in other discovery services including Summon and EDS is article-level, so we expect Ex Libris to deliver here. The onus is on them to come up with a solution, and they are working on it. Indexing the Oxford content appears to be on-track after talking to some additional folks at Ex Libris. They’re aware that we deem this a big priority.

OLS will keep tabs on these developments. Gale can also confirm with us how things are progressing as well, so we have two avenues to get information.