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Batch Loading of Serials Invoices into Aleph

‘Tis the season for libraries to receive larger invoices (from EBSCO and others). This is just a quick reminder that Aleph can batch load inbound electronic invoices.

The campus should always check these invoices to see if they appear to be correct. Several areas where problems can arise:

  1. insufficient budget allocations
  2. an encumbrance not already added for the current fiscal year
  3. vendor has made a mistake with the invoice itself
  4. invoice batch file is only available to download for 30 days

Please submit a ticket to the CUNY Service Desk ([email protected]) stating that the invoice file is ready to be loaded, along with the notification from EBSCO. (The notice has key information, such as the file name and invoice number.)

For more details, please see the OLS Support Site.

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