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New in OneSearch: Enriched Browse
OneSearch’s Browse now has a new feature: “See” references!
When browsing by either Author or Subject, the results now link to the preferred term from the non-preferred term.
For example,
- when browsing the author “shakespeare, g,” OneSearch shows that “Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616” is the preferred form to “Guglielmo” and provides a link to that preferred author:
- when browsing the subject “cheese cake,” OneSearch shows that “Cheesecake” is the preferred form:
Note that multiple authority sources are currently present in our search results. In OneSearch, the source of an authority often appears in the right column of browse results. The wealth of resources can lead to duplication of subject terms (example below):
This is not new behavior. We have made some improvements and are continuing to work on this issue. In the near future, we plan to remove all subject authority sources except:
0 – Library of Congress Subject Headings
1 – LC subject headings for children’s literature
2 – Medical Subject Heading