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Which MARC Fields Are Used in OneSearch?
In an earlier blog post, we discussed the structure of OneSearch’s metadata, aka PNX. (See: Behind OneSearch: Part 1 – Internal Records (PNX).)
If you’ve wondered exactly which MARC fields are being used to create each of those PNX fields, we’ve got good news for you! We extracted the data and are making it available for your review. The resulting spreadsheet (CUNY-ALEPH-Norm-Rules-2015-12.xlsx) contains a list of all fields used by the OneSearch normalization process which creates the PNX records. The data was retrieved at the beginning of December 2015.
Now you’ll know that the 856 field, for example, is being used in the following PNX sections:
- delivery/delcategory
- links/addlink
- links/linktoreview
- links/linktorsrc
- links/linktotoc
The first tab in the spreadsheet, MARC, contains all the MARC fields in use. The second tab, non-MARC, contains fields which do not use Aleph MARC as the source. The Non-MARC tab includes fields containing static text as well as fields generated from system data or other PNX fields.
Each column of spreadsheet data has a filter applied, so, for example, you can click on the drop-down box in the “MARC” column of the MARC tab and select ‘008’ only. This will display only those PNX fields which use the MARC 008 field. The other columns in the MARC tab are:
- Ind1 (1st indicator)
- Ind2 (2nd indicator)
- MARC Subfields
- PNX Section
- PNX Subsection
A minus (“-“) in the Ind1, Ind2, or MARC Subfields columns indicates that these values are omitted from use. You can think of it as the “NOT” Boolean operator. For example, the 500 field is used in the PNX display section but its “5” and “6” subfields ($$5, $$6) are omitted (MARC Subfields = “-56”).
If a number appears in the Ind1 or Ind2 field, only that specific indicator is used. If no number appears in these fields, all indicators are included.
An asterisk in the MARC Subfields column indicates that all subfields are used.
Download the spreadsheet here: CUNY-ALEPH-Norm-Rules-2015-12.xlsx
OneSearch, E-Resources, and Dedup
2016-01-26 / 1 Comment on OneSearch, E-Resources, and Dedup
Over the winter break, OLS applied a major improvement to OneSearch results: we “de-deduped” many e-resource records!
The Problem
As OneSearch was initially configured, it applied its dedup process to all records equally, whether they were print or electronic.
What is dedup? The dedup process allows OneSearch to present a single result when the identical resource is held by multiple schools. Multiple records are merged into one display record. This is useful in the case of print resources, allowing the system to offer all CUNY locations to the user in one result.
However, this proved a major problem for e-resource records as the merged data includes the MARC 856 fields (which often provide links to electronic resources). OneSearch uses these fields to create a “View Online” button which links to full-text whenever the underlying metadata indicates this is the purpose of the field (see Why Does OneSearch Say We Have the Electronic Book?).
Deduped e-resource records with multiple 856 fields included in the merged records made it difficult for OneSearch to determine the correct availability for many deduped records. This resulted in the dreaded Full text may be available, see “Details” for links availability message with its accompanying grey dot and lack of a “View Online” button:
The Solution
E-resource records whose links require proxying are being prevented from matching other records for the purpose of deduping. This allows each local view to accurately identify the availability status of its e-resource:
The solution was only applied to records which require proxying on the assumption that e-resources that do not require proxying are freely available to everyone and should be shared with everyone.
The Caveat
Please note that this solution works best in the local school views. A version of the problem still exists for many records in the CUNY view. Instead of a single, deduped record, the CUNY view now displays a group of records (as they are now FRBRized instead of deduped):
Clicking on the title will take the user to a list of individual e-resource records. Records which are only available via a local library will still show the Full text may be available message in the CUNY view.
If you run across any problems, please be sure to report them to OLS by opening a work order with the CUNY Service Desk.
Behind OneSearch: Part 3 – PNX & Source Bookmarklets
2015-06-25 / 2 Comments on Behind OneSearch: Part 3 – PNX & Source Bookmarklets
In part one of this 3-part series about basic tools for understanding and troubleshooting results in OneSearch (Primo), you learned about the structure of internal Primo records (PNX). In part two you learned how to view the PNX and the source records “behind” search results. In part three, you’ll learn how to use bookmarklets to easily view PNX and source records from a browser bookmark(let)!
Now that you understand Primo’s internal record structure, PNX (Primo Normalized XML), and how to view PNX and both Aleph and CUNY Academic Works source records, we want to make viewing the PNX and source records easier.
Bookmarklet Creation: A One-Time Step
First, you need to add the desired bookmarklets to your own Favorites/Bookmarks. This only needs to be done once per browser. (Note: I have tested the following instructions on Chrome and Internet Explorer.)
To assist you, we have created a Bookmarklets page on the OLS Support Site.
- Please open the Bookmarklets page in a separate tab or window
- In your browser, make sure the Bookmarks/Favorites bar is showing at the top of your screen
- Chrome > Customize Menu (top right) > Bookmarks > Show bookmarks bar
- Internet Explorer > right-click in window header > Favorites bar
- On the Support Site’s Bookmarklets page, click and hold the top bookmarklet and drag the link into your Bookmarks/Favorites bar
- One-time task complete! Now any time you are viewing search results, open a single result in the full screen view, click on your Bookmark/Favorite in the bar or in the menu list, and the record’s PNX will display!!
If you’re interested in also accessing the source Aleph MARC or Academic Works Dublin Core metadata via bookmarklets, use the above instructions to create those bookmarklets, too.
Deduplicated records need manual intervention for Aleph and Academic Works source record viewing: If the PNX record shows more than one sourcerecordid
and the recordid
starts with “dedup,” then you will need to select only one source record ID to view at a time.
When you try the source bookmarklets for a dedup record, an error will be displayed instead of the full metadata. In this case, go to the PNX record, copy any of the IDs in the sourcerecordid
section (not the “CUNY_ALEPH” or “CUNY_BEPRESS” text), and add it at the end of the URL opened by the bookmarklet.
- For Aleph, put it after “doc_num=”:
- For Academic Works, put it after “identifier=”:
If neither of the source bookmarklets work, double-check that you are trying to view a local record. The source of each record is shown at the bottom of its Details tab. The source bookmarklets will not work with Primo Central records (that is, anything other than CUNY ALEPH or CUNY Academic Works source).
If you’ve read this far, you deserve a bonus! The 4th bookmarklet (OneSearch Show Record IDs) on the Support Site’s Bookmarklets page will add the OneSearch Record ID at the top of each result entry on a standard Brief Results page.
Behind OneSearch: Part 2 – View PNX and Source Records
2015-06-05 / 3 Comments on Behind OneSearch: Part 2 – View PNX and Source Records
In part two of this 3-part series about basic tools for understanding and troubleshooting results in OneSearch (Primo), you’ll find out how to view the PNX and also the source records “behind” search results. In part one, you learned about the structure of internal Primo records (PNX). In part three, we’ll show you how to use bookmarklets to easily view PNX and source records in one click.
Now that you understand Primo’s internal record structure, aka PNX (Primo Normalized XML), the next step is to learn how to view PNX. A small change to a Primo URL will allow you to view that PNX record for any record in Primo search results. For local data sources, such as Aleph and CUNY Academic Works, you can use the information in the PNX record to create a URL that will display the source data used to create that PNX record.
Primo PNX Record
Search for something in OneSearch
Pick a record in the results and click on the “Details” tab. Then click on the “open this item in a new window” icon at the top right of the “Details” frame:
(This opens the record in a full screen view.)
Copy this text:
Click anywhere in the address box:
Push the End key on your keyboard to move to the end of the URL, paste the copied text at the end of the URL, and hit the Enter key. The result looks like this:
(Click on the above image to see the result of “&showPnx=true” being added to a full screen search result display URL.)
Source Record: Aleph MARC
Now that you’ve got the PNX for an Aleph record, you can view the source MARC record in Aleph.
Examine the PNX that you opened. Near the top, you see fields like this:
First of all, you know it’s an Aleph record because it says so in the sourceid field (CUNY_ALEPH). The sourcerecordid is the Aleph record number or “system number” (007651609).
Create that Aleph MARC record URL by placing that record number at the end of this base URL:
For example:
This will take you to the OPAC MARC record view:
Source Record: Academic Works Dublin Core
If we look back at the search that we ran at the beginning of this post, we see that there was another record in the search result image and clicking on the “Details” tab for that record shows that it is from CUNY Academic Works:
Click in the full screen view URL/address box and add “&showPnx=true,” just as you did earlier. This will take you to this record’s PNX record and there you will be able to see the sourceid and sourcerecordid, just as we did for the Aleph record.
(bepress is the vendor of the CUNY Academic Works software.)
To view Academic Works source data, we need a different (and longer) base URL:
Otherwise, the process is the same. Take the sourcerecordid from the PNX record and add it at the end of the base URL. For example:
That was a lot for one post. But we have tools to make it easier: bookmarklets!
Coming soon:
Behind OneSearch: Part 1 – Internal Records (PNX)
2015-05-28 / 4 Comments on Behind OneSearch: Part 1 – Internal Records (PNX)
In this 3-part series, we will be introducing some basic tools for understanding and troubleshooting results in OneSearch (Primo). In this first part, learn about the structure of PNX. In the second part, you’ll find out how to view the PNX and MARC source “behind” search results. In part three, we’ll show you how to use bookmarklets to view PNX and source records in one click.
Primo harvests data from a wide range of sources, such as Aleph, CUNY Academic Works, etc. This disparate data must be processed and optimized (or “normalized”). Primo creates an internal record from each original record. This Primo record is in a special generic format called Primo Normalized XML, which we refer to as PNX.
Metadata in the PNX record is organized in sections and each section serves a specific purpose. In some cases, the data appears to be duplicated, but this duplication is the result of each section storing an optimized form of the original metadata. In other words, while we want to display the author’s name as Clemens, Samuel, for various reasons in the facets section, we want the name to appear as Clemens, S.
Why might library staff be interested in the contents of these sections?
When you have a question about OneSearch functionality, the answer may be in the PNX record.
For example, if a book about Mark Twain is not showing up in search results for Samuel Clemens, a look through the search section of the record may show that Samuel Clemens does not appear there. If this text appears in the source record but not in the PNX search section, then we can improve search results by analyzing source content to identify missing metadata and change the way the search section is created.
PNX sections are (in order of appearance in the record):
- Control (control) = control fields (record number, data source, etc)
- Display (display) = fields available for display in brief and full views
- Links (links) = URLs used in the View Online, More Options, and Details tabs
- Search (search) = data available for searching (if full text data is also indexed, it is hidden from view in the PNX record)
- Sort (sort) = fields which can be included as a sort option
- Facets (facets) = fields available as facet values
- Duplication Detection (dedup) = used to identify duplicate records
- Grouping (frbr) = used to identify records similar enough to be grouped (FRBRized)
- Delivery and Scoping (delivery) = related to search coverage and delivery
- Enrichment (enrichment) = used by an enrichment process
- Ranking (ranking) = booster values that can be used to improve record rank in results
- Additional Data (addata) = multi-purpose data elements that cannot be extracted from other PNX sections
- Browse (browse) = browse fields
Each of the above sections contains multiple subfields. Many of those subfield names, such as “creator” or “title,” are self-explanatory. Empty sections do not appear, so in the example below, the frbr and enrichment sections do not appear.
Sample PNX record (abridged):
<record xmlns="http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/xsd/primo/primo_nm_bib" xmlns:sear="http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/xsd/jaguar/search">
<sourceformat>Digital Entity</sourceformat>
<title>Coming of Age in Neoliberal New York</title>
<creator>Sugg, Jennifer Hope</creator>
<publisher>CUNY Academic Works</publisher>
<format>PDF File</format>
<ispartof>The Graduate Center, CUNY, Dissertations and Theses, 2014-Present</ispartof>
<subject>Women; Quantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies</subject>
<description>Thirty years of neoliberal policies have left New York a divided city, with ever-rising rates of income inequality and widening social disparity. Structural transformations associated with global capitalism have led to divergent experiences for male and female youth coming of age in the 21st century.</description>
<source>CUNY Academic Works</source>
<linktorsrc>$$Uhttp://academicworks.cuny.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1292&context=gc_etds$$DView Online</linktorsrc>
<addlink>$$Uhttp://academicworks.cuny.edu/gc_etds/293$$DView Record in CUNY Academic Works</addlink>
<openurl>$$Uhttp://academicworks.cuny.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1292&context=gc_etds$$DView Online</openurl>
<creatorcontrib>Sugg, Jennifer Hope</creatorcontrib>
<creatorcontrib>Jennifer Hope Sugg</creatorcontrib>
<title>Coming of Age in Neoliberal New York</title>
<subject>New York</subject>
<subject>Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies</subject>
<subject>Quantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies</subject>
<addtitle>Dissertations and Theses, 2014-Present</addtitle>
<title>Coming of Age in Neoliberal New York</title>
<author>Sugg, Jennifer Hope</author>
<topic>Arts and Humanities</topic>
<topic>Quantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies</topic>
<collection>CUNY Academic Works</collection>
<creatorcontrib>Sugg, Jennifer Hope</creatorcontrib>
<f7>coming of age in neoliberal new york</f7>
<f11>sugg jennifer hope</f11>
<delcategory>Online Resource</delcategory>
<au>Sugg, Jennifer Hope</au>
<btitle>Coming of Age in Neoliberal New York</btitle>
<pub>CUNY Academic Works</pub>
<author>$$DSugg, Jennifer Hope$$ESugg, Jennifer Hope</author>
<subject>$$DNew York$$ENew York</subject>
<subject>$$DFeminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies$$EFeminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies</subject>
<subject>$$DQuantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies$$EQuantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies</subject>
<title>$$DComing of Age in Neoliberal New York$$EComing of Age in Neoliberal New York</title>
Coming soon:
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