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Monthly Archives: April 2019


Problem? Check out the OLS Knowledge Base or open a ticket by emailing [email protected].

New workflow for OneSearch bug reports

When we released the new UI in OneSearch, we implemented a “bug report” feature to allow users to alert us to any problems they encounter while using the discovery platform. Since its implementation on 8/27/17, we have fielded approximately 917 of these reports—that’s about 10-11 reports a week. This is becoming burdensome for OLS to handle on our own so we’re changing our workflow and bringing you—the campus librarians—into the mix!

Beginning on Monday, April 8, 2019, users who submit bug reports in the OneSearch interface will receive an automatic response from OLS:

Dear [patron],

Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

We are forwarding this report on your behalf to your campus library (copied here). You should expect a response from a librarian within 2-4 business days.

Thank you,
CUNY Office of Library Services

The major change comes in the form of the party copied on this message: the campus library! Unlike in the past, the Office of Library Services is bypassed altogether.

We in OLS strongly believe (and the Public Services Committee agrees) that a majority of these reports require local reference intervention to address the users’ immediate needs and can almost always be resolved locally through the regular library troubleshooting avenues (e.g., report linking errors to your e-resources librarian, speak with your technical services staff about cataloging problems, consult your access services librarian for patron account issues, etc.).

Should your library be unable to fully resolve the issue, OLS will be happy to help! Just send an email to [email protected], being sure to put the word “OneSearch” and a brief description of the problem into the subject (with a full breakdown of the presenting problem in the body of the email).

Primo enhancement voting

The ELUNA (Ex Libris Users of North America) Primo Product Working Group collects enhancement requests and sends out ballots to all Primo customers. CUNY votes as a single institution, with a total of 100 votes. There are 62 items on the ballot but we hope to identify the top 5-7 issues so that we may put our weight behind the issues that matter the most to us.

In order for members of the Public Services Committee to identify the enhancement requests they’d like CUNY OLS to make on their behalf, the ballot has been recreated as a survey for committee members to vote on behalf of their own institutions. We in OLS will use the survey voting results to vote on the official Ex Libris ballot.

You may review the 62 request options on the ballot (PDF) and express your preferences to your library’s Public Services Committee representative by Wednesday, April 17, 2019.