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Monthly Archives: February 2017


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Missing ebrary titles

The Office of Library Services has recently seen an uptick in reported problems with ebrary titles showing up in the CUNY Catalog and not showing up in OneSearch. We have been in communication with the vendors (ebrary and Ex Libris) and think we have identified the problem.

In a nutshell, for subscribing to ebrary Academic Complete, we were given access to two complimentary collections: College Complete and Public Library Complete. These titles appeared in the ebrary platform but were never activated in the Primo Central Index (PCI) or SFX for discovery in OneSearch. We activated the collections in both places last week (on 2/15/17) and that seemed to have resolved most of the reported access problems—but not all of them. There are still some titles not showing up in OneSearch.

In talking to the ebrary vendor, we found that there are fewer titles in the SFX targets than there are in the collections: College Complete is short 1200 titles and Public Library Complete is short 1900 titles. They think that there was some problem with a metadata file sent to SFX and they are trying to resolve this issue. They have assured us this is a priority (as this would affect all College Complete and Public Library Complete subscribers who use SFX as their link resolver, not just CUNY). Once this is resolved, all centrally-licensed ebrary titles will appear in the OneSearch platform.

In the meantime, we may also be missing MARC records for these complimentary collections. We’ve been receiving monthly additions to these collections but they have been in the batches with the Academic Complete records and, again, we believe the numbers of records do not match up with the numbers in the SFX targets. We will work with the vendor on this as well; however, we think this will take more time and, in the meantime, are making the discoverability of these titles in OneSearch a priority.

If you have any questions about this topic, please contact your ERAC and/or SFX Committee representative. (The latter will be discussing this issue at its next meeting on Thursday, March 9, 2017.)

Subscribing to OLS-managed discussion lists

The Office of Library Services owns and manages 17 library-related discussion lists. They are all listed on the OLS Support Site. Membership is restricted to CUNY librarians and library staff, though some are private and place further restrictions on subscribers.

If you’re newly employed at one of our 31 libraries or simply want to be better informed, you can subscribe to a discussion list by emailing [email protected] with the following subject line:

SUBSCRIBE listName yourName (schoolName)

* Note that the directory of lists on the OLS Support Site includes list names.

For example, if I wanted to join the CUNY-ILL list, I would send a blank email to [email protected] (from the email address I want subscribed) with the subject line:

SUBSCRIBE CUNY-ILL Alevtina Verbovetskaya (OLS)

To unsubscribe from a list, the command is similar—but even simpler:


The request will then be fulfilled by a list owner and you will get a confirmation of your subscription.

For more information about library-related discussion lists at CUNY, as well as how to access the archives and interact with the lists, please see the OLS Support Site