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Daily Archives: 2016-12-19


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CUNY Academic Works Monthly Report: November 2016

A snapshot of CUNY Academic Works
A snapshot of CUNY Academic Works

CUNY Academic Works continued its steady progress, growing by 159 new items and 30,244 new downloads during the month of November. However, this month saw a significant change in the tone of the open access movement as a result of the presidential election. Following Brewster Kahle’s impassioned keynote at OpenCon, the Internet Archive announced it will create a copy of its collections in Canada, and, more recently, that it will replicate 200TB of at-risk data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The actions of the Internet Archive reflect the research community’s shared concern about open access under the new administration: Will the public access mandates be rescinded? Will infrastructure such as PubMed continue to be supported? How will the administration respond to publisher lobbyists? We don’t know what will come next but the Office of Library Services will continue to support the free and open sharing of research and teaching materials via CUNY Academic Works.

The five most downloaded works in November were:

  1. The Growth of Incarceration in the United States: Exploring Causes and Consequences
    Publications and Research at John Jay College
  2. Reframing School Dropout as a Public Health Issue
    Publications and Research at Hunter College
  3. Media Representation of Asian Americans and Asian Native New Yorkers’ Hybrid Persona
    Dissertations and Theses at CUNY Graduate Center
  4. Psychosis in Films: An Analysis of Stigma and the Portrayal in Feature Films
    Theses at City College of New York
  5. An Analysis of the South China Sea Dispute: Focusing on the Assessment of the Impact of Possible Solutions on the Economies of the Region
    Theses at City College of New York


December 2016