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Monthly Archives: May 2015


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Why you should not remove a lost item record in Aleph

If you’re considering deleting a “lost” item from the catalog, consider this: removing a “lost” item record also removes its circulation history! This affects library circulation statistics and item counts. Item records also contain a “date last returned” field that can be used to identify items that no longer have relevant circulation history. This information is included in reports listing items with a specific Item Process Status (IPS).

When working with a lost item, you should instead mark it with an appropriate IPS. Lost items can be flagged as missing in transit, lost/paid, lost, withdrawn (“weeded”), or suppressed. Local technical services staff should determine which IPS is most appropriate to classify a particular item in the catalog.

To ensure that a lost item record is not removed by mistake, a new automated process was introduced with Aleph v21 so that when all lost charges are resolved/removed, any remaining loan record will eventually be removed. This also ensures that a lost item would not be listed “on loan” in the OPAC when it is actually lost or missing.

Find information about item process statuses, lost items, and more on the OLS Support Site.