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Daily Archives: 2015-04-15


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Easily move permanent items into temporary Course Reserves

With our updated version of Aleph, adding items to Course Reserves is easier than ever. (Removing them is a breeze now, too.) Items that are cataloged as being in the “Stacks” or any other permanent collection (including permanent “Reserves”) can be quickly added to the Course Reserves module. This process eliminates the need to edit records in the Cataloging module, allowing a trained College Assistant or student worker to place previously-cataloged items into the temporary Course Reserves, automatically changing their location to “Course Reserves.”

Removing the items added through this process is automated and does not require any manual updates. On the 4th of each month, simply look in the Task Manager for a report named ‘course_resv_inactive_XX’ (where ‘XX’ is your 2-letter institution code). Items in this report will no longer be listed for this course in the OPAC or in OneSearch. When no longer needed, simply delete each item from its corresponding course(s), and the data clean-up is completely finished. A deleted item’s bibliographic record is automatically suppressed.

More details on Aleph Course Reserves can be found on the OLS Support Site.