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Restricted search collections in OneSearch
2016-03-24 / 1 Comment on Restricted search collections in OneSearch
The following list of vendors restricts access to their collections (even to just the metadata, the information that is displayed in the search results) unless the user is on-campus or signed into OneSearch:
- ProQuest
- Scopus
- Web of Science
- ArtStor
- Bureau of National Affairs (BNA)
- RMIT Publishing
- American Geoscience Institute
- Henrietta Szold Institute
- Index to Hebrew Periodicals
For the average user of OneSearch, this means that results from these vendors will not show up in his/her searches unless the user is on campus or signed into OneSearch. To circumvent this problem, the Office of Library Services has included a message at the top of the results list to prompt users to sign in if they are not already logged in or if they’re visiting from a non-campus-affiliated IP address:
(For more information about this prompt, please see the entry we wrote when we implemented this feature in July 2015: “Off campus?” prompt now appears only off-campus.)
Depending on the search, the user can expect to see a handful of extra results or thousands of additional records for his/her query! For this reason, everyone is encouraged to sign into OneSearch to get all available results.
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