In the event that any of the services OLS provides is not available—and you’ve not received any specific announcements from OLS or CIS—please check the OLS Systems Status page that, at a glance, will tell you if a service is running or not. There will be cases when a service indicator shows green (available) but from your particular campus or location outside of CUNY the service is unavailable, as a local factor might be the cause. No matter where the outage is experienced, please create a ticket (work order) with the CUNY Service Desk ([email protected]). Always let us know where you are experiencing the problem (i.e., on- or off-campus).
The Office of Library Services (OLS), CUNY’s Office of Computer & Information Services (CIS), and our primary systems vendors monitor and employ (365x24x7) internal alerting mechanisms for critical processes within CUNY Libraries’ ecosystems (Academic Works, Aleph [GUI/OPAC], CORAL, EZproxy, OneSearch, SFX) so, in most cases, we’re already aware of a problem and are working with our partners to restore services.
Please follow these steps when encountering a system or service that appears to be down:
- Check for announcements/notifications from OLS/CIS via CULIBS-L
- Check the OLS Systems Status page
- Create a ticket (work order) with the CUNY Service Desk
If you have never created a support ticket (work order) to report a service interruption/down system, it’s super easy! Just send an email to [email protected] and copy [email protected].
NOTE: We require that you copy [email protected] during system outages!
The subject of your email should contain three parts:
- The unavailable OLS service/system (e.g., Aleph, Primo, SFX, etc.),
- Your two-letter OWN code or library name, and
- A brief summary of your problem.
The body of your message should describe the problem as well as provide a screenshot or the exact text of the error message, if there is one. Please also let us know whether you are on- or off-campus.
Here’s an example:
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Aleph: LE – Staff (GUI) Clients not Connecting to ServerService Desk,
We’re unable to connect to Aleph from the Circulation Desk here at Lehman Library. We’re getting a “connection refused” error message. The PC is connecting to the Internet, however, as we’re able to view the library web pages and the Aleph OPAC.
Thank you,
Lenny L.
[…] If you notice that a CUNY library system is down, please follow the directions outlined in an earlier blog post: What to Do When an OLS Managed Service is Not Available. […]
What to Do When an OLS Managed Service is Not Available